Sunday, May 15, 2005

Consequences of Illegal Immigration

California used to be a great place to live, work, and play. Tourists from around the world used to visit the once great "Golden State." Due to the influence of rabid socialist liberals and nonstop illegal Mexican immigration, California no longer exists. It is now Mexifornia.

Governor Davis was recalled from office for destruction of the state's economy (among other things). How did the economy of California get so bad? Let's explore... Illegal Mexicans cross the border, pay no taxes, yet are still provided with "free" health care, public education and welfare. Most do not insure their vehicles and our prisons are filled with them. To put it short and sweet, illegal immigration bankrupted California.

Not only do the illegal Mexicans believe they have a "right" to these services paid for by the tax payers of California, but they also believe they have a right to annex most of the state (along with others) and give them back to Mexico. The call themselves "La Razza" which means "the race" - as if their race is something special.

Illegal Mexicans have invaded and overthrown Los Angeles. They have destroyed the public education system and bankrupted many hospitals. California must put a stop to this once and for all. Americans are kind and tolerant of all cultures by nature of our beginnings - as people who legally immigrated here from all over the world. At some point we must stop with the tender loving care of law-breaking illegals and kick them out of our country - by force if necessary. The stakes are high. The time is now.

Monument paid for by the United States citizen tax payers of Los Angeles

Has the invasion of California really gone so far that the people have no idea whether they live in Los Angeles or Mexico?

At least one legal United States citizen is not confused!

Visit for more information about the illegal Mexican invasion of California.


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