Sunday, May 15, 2005

Favorite Illegal Immigration Links

These are some of my favorite illegal immigration links. Below the links, I have listed some reasons why I like them. I hope you will find them informative and enjoy them as well.

I just recently found this site. Named for the first English child born in the new world in 1587, Virginia Dare, this site has some of the best articles I have read. Not only are they very factual and thought provoking, but they are entertaining and provide many links to all kinds of off-topic issues.

Americans for Legal Immigration

This is the website of the ALI political action committee - ore ALI-PAC for short. From their home page, "Americans for Legal Immigration (ALI-PAC) has formed to address the disparity between the public desire for more control of illegal immigration and the actions of lawmakers." They have a message board with many knowledgeable and active posters.

The American Resistance

THE AMERICAN RESISTANCE FOUNDATION was founded to confront the powers that would destroy our Republic and our way of life. They provide some great articles and have provide heaps of statistical data on illegal immigration. They also have a very cool illegal immigration counter that shows current total and total this year.


This is a very simple blog site that provides links to hundreds of articles about illegal immigration.

Wake Up America Foundation

The site is fairly new without much content but they are sponsoring the upcoming United to Fight Against Illegal Immigration Summit in Las Vegas. I have personally talked with the founder of this organization and they are very dedicated to the cause of stopping illegal immigration. They plan to improve and update the site in the near future.


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