Monday, May 16, 2005

Another Illegal Alien Gets Away With Murder

Raul Garcia-Gomez, an illegal alien living in the "sanctuary city" of Denver, Colorado, killed a police officer and fled the state. Assassinated police officer, Donald Young leaves behind a young widow and daughter. His killer has since fled to Mexico from where he will never be extradited to face charges for his crimes. Mexico has a stated policy of not allowing extradition of criminals who might face the death penalty or life in prison.

As sad as this story is for the family of officer Young, it gets even worse. Garcia-Gomez was employed as a dishwasher by Denver mayor John Hickenlooper. Recent investigations have found Hickenlooper has over 100 illegal immigrants working at various locations within his chain of restraints. The blood of Donald Young is on the hands of Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. He should be immediately arrested for employing illegal aliens. The fact that he embrace Donald Young's widow at his funeral was disgraceful - he had personally aided and funded the killer of her husband.

Mayor Hickenlooper's office number is (720) 865-9000, you can email him at

To add insult to murder, this vile killer had been stopped by the Denver police three times before he murdered Donald Young. Since Denver is a "sanctuary city" - which means their officers are not allowed to turn over an illegal immigrant for deportation - Garcia-Gomez was never detained. Just to clarify, if a legal United States citizen is stopped and caught driving without a license, he is arrested. Denver police are specifically instructed to not arrest illegals.

This was a big story on all the national cable news networks for about three days. Now that Garcia-Gomez is long gone, Donald Young is in his grave, and Hickenlooper anxiously looks forward to brushing this incident aside, the story is gone. The illegal immigrant killer will never be captured. Officer Young's family has lost a father and husband. The Denver community has lost a hero.

Where is the outrage? How much will it take? When will you personally be moved to take action against illegal aliens invading our country and killing our friends and family? Will you be apathetic until they kill your mother, father, husband, wife, son, or daughter? Or will you take a stand and do something now?

I urge you to continuously call mayor Hickenlooper. Bombard his office with demands for answers! Demand Denver give up their "sanctuary city" policy! Demand they stop giving aid and shelter to illegal aliens. If you do not stand up for the people of Denver who is going to stand up for you when the illegals come and kill your family?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Patriots,

The "Common Sense" article was good. It's nice to know that the working class has guys like you, who are real busy getting information to those of us who are real busy living as law abiding productive members of society. This comes from someone who is raising male teenagers and a little girl. These boys of ours are watching what you guys do and they are behind you. I would say that communication is everything, gentlemen. Our family see you guys as true civilian heroes. I want you to know that we deeply appreciate the efforts of both men in the picture posted below that informative article. I can guess that there are times that you grow frustrated. The cause to reform immigration IIISSSS the most important issue of our time. The gentleman endorsing the speaker of the conference to be
our representative for our cause has made a good point. This is also coming from someone who believes in legal immigration for all and REGULATED globalization in terms of preserving the quality of life of our middle class and our sovereignty as a nation. I told my wife twenty years ago that unregulated immigration and globalization would erode the middle class of America.

P.S. We should be seeing public service messages advising how to turn in illegal immigrants while pursuing the employers who continue to break the law, NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE!

5:39 PM, May 28, 2005  

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