Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Battle Lines are Drawn

It has been almost a year since I last posted on this blog. I, just like almost everyone else, am responsible for what has happened in this past year. I was fired up, looking to make a difference, and doing all I could to stop the illegal invasion of America. But, like most others, the passion wore off as "stuff" happened in my life and I had other things to do. Of course I am wrong for that. I should have kept the petal to the medal but I didn't. Now things are really bad and people like myself only have ourselves to blame.

So, what am I doing now? Honestly, not much. I am doing what I can. I called every Senator's office that would answer the phone. I expressed my extreme displeasure with the way our elected representatives are siding with illegal aliens as opposed to siding with legal American citizens. I told them all that I would do all I could to get them voted out of office and never send them another nickel if they produced a law that led to a "path of citizenship" for the illegals. Most staffers said they had heard the same comments from thousands of other concerned legal citizens over the past weeks.

I sent a fax to the Senators as well. I think it states my position with extreme clarity. To see it, click HERE

I feel really bad about not doing my part for this past year. I have re-dedicated myself to opposing illegal immigration with a renewed fury. One of the best things we can all do is associate with like-minded people. The best place I have found to do that is the website of Americans for Legal Immigration. They have a great message board with hundreds of new members signing up every day. The leaders are very active and even have a political action committee (PAC) to lobby against illegal immigration. Please visit their site by clicking HERE

You can also donate to their cause using a credit card or Paypal by clicking HERE