Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hispanic group suggests food workers might taint food at Vegas summit

A radical anti-American group working for the establishment of a separate Hispanic nation in the southwest U.S. has threatened attendees of an anti-illegal immigration conference in Las Vegas planned for this weekend, saying Mexican food workers might cause "Montezuma's Revenge" among those they serve.

A news release from La Voz de Aztlan – which sees its struggle for a separate state with Los Angeles as its capital as similar to that of the Palestinians in the Middle East – announces that leaders of the "USA Anti-Mexican Movement" – Aztlan's own term – will be meeting this weekend in Las Vegas.

States the group: "The 'Who's Who List of Xenophobes' will be at the Plaza Hotel on Friday May 27, Saturday May 28 and Sunday May 29 to coordinate the vigilante operations they plan to undertake along the California/Mexico border on June through August."
The mention of "vigilante operations" is a reference to the activities of the Minuteman Project, a successful citizen border patrol effort that effectively shut down the flow of illegal aliens from Mexico this spring over a 23-mile stretch in Arizona.

"Among the racists who will be attending is head bigot Tom Tancredo," says La Voz de Aztlan. "Tancredo is a congressman from Colorado who has aspirations to become USA president by utilizing Mexican immigrants as 'scapegoats' for the nation's economic and social problems. Among other bigots attending are felon Chris Simcox of the Minutemen vigilantes and his lackey Jim Gilchrist. The list of anti-Mexican xenophobes also includes Glenn Spencer [American Border Patrol], Barbara Coe [California Coalition for Immigration Reform], and the 'coconut' Andy Ramirez [Friends of the Border Patrol]. 'Vendido' Andy Ramirez is being utilized by the bigots as a 'Taco Tio.'"

The event is being sponsored by the Wake Up American Foundation. The true name of the conference, according to the event website, is "United to Fight Against Illegal Immigration Summit."

Though the Plaza Hotel will house some of the attendees, sessions will be held at the Cashman Center in Las Vegas.

The release from La Voz de Aztlan ends with the threat:
"What the bigots who will be meeting at the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas don't know may not harm them, but the fact is that most of the personnel who work in the hotel's kitchens are Mexican. We pray that they don't fall victims of 'Montezuma's Revenge' from eating the food."
Patricia Saye is co-founder of Wake Up America.
"What's so funny about this is the event is not being held at the Plaza Hotel," she told WND. "It's being held at the Cashman Theatre."

Saye said her group is not concerned about the threats.
"If we were to let these people frighten us, we wouldn't be very good Americans, would we?" Saye asked. "We've all been fighters throughout the generations, for our freedoms and our liberties, so we're going to stand our ground."
Saye said it's hard to estimate how many people will attend the event, but she figured the number would be between 500 and 1,000.

"A lot of people buy their tickets at the last minute," she said.
Saye explained the many groups involved in the summit hope to form a coalition that will then put pressure on "city, county, state and federal elected officials to apply the laws [regarding immigration]. We have laws on the books already, but they're being ignored. …
"With numbers, we can have power to get our elected officials to do something."
Hispanic activists for years have sought a separate state from the area they believe was unjustly taken by the U.S.

"If in 50 years most of our people are subordinated, powerless, exploited and impoverished, then I will say to you that there are all kinds of possibilities for movements to develop like the ones that we've witnessed in the last few years all over the world, from Yugoslavia to Chechnya," University of California at Riverside professor Armando Navarro told WND in 2002.
"A secessionist movement is not something that you can put away and say it is never going to happen in the United States," he continued. "Time and history change."
Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs, is regarded in Chicano folklore as an area that includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas. It is this area – lost when Mexico signed the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo at the end of the Mexican-American War – that activists want to make into a sovereign Hispanic state that could eventually merge with Mexico.

On its website, La Voz de Aztlan, which means the Voice of Aztlan, identifies Mexicans in the U.S. as "America's Palestinians." Many Mexicans see themselves as part of a transnational ethnic group known as "La Raza," the race. La Voz de Aztlan declares on its site that "both La Raza and the Palestinians have been displaced by invaders that have utilized military means to conquer and occupy our territories."
Related special offer:

The stunning documentary video "Conquest of Aztlan," which unveils the aims and methods of a radical movement intent on taking over the American southwest, is available from WND's online store.

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