Monday, May 30, 2005

Las Vegas Conference Day 2

I didn't have a chance to update the blog until tonight due to staying up way too late and traveling home to Hawaii today. Day two solidified what I hoped this conference would be - it united all the different groups of people who are fighting to stop illegal immigration. Without a doubt, this was one of the most inspirational days of my life. I'll give you a rundown...

Jim Gilchrist was awesome. He took the stage and the first thing he did was apologized for getting a little mean at a reporter who was giving him some grief over his views. Jim is a big enough man to realize her opinion was all screwed up but he didn't want to treat another person in a way that doesn't represent the kind of man he is. I really applaud him for that.

He went on to talk about the Minuteman project. I was amazed at how many actual Minutemen were in attendance. I'd say at least 14/ of the people were. I was honored to spend the weekend with them. Jim talked about all the things he always talks about - closing the border, cracking down on the employers, and taking away the reason they come here. Just hearing those solutions we all know so well coming from the founder of the Minutemen was like learning it all over again. Jim Gilchrist is an American hero. He's up there with the likes of Paul Revere, Sam Adams, and the rest of the "original" patriots. In fact, given the beating he takes in the press, I think his determination is even more commendable. Jim is our example. He got sick of the lack of action so he took action. I will teach my children that Jim Gilchrist and the Minutemen are the new generation of people we need to emulate. If you read this Jim, thank you for spending the weekend with us and sharing your inspirational thoughts. We respect you, thank you, and love you as a brother!

We also heard from Mike Cuttler, a former immigration agent who is a field expert in what he was talking about. Mike told us of the corruption in the INS and how he couldn't take it anymore. He has testified before the 911 commission as well as several other Congressional committees. I hung on every word. A big comparison he made was the fact that 37,000 police are in charge of keeping the peace for 9 million people in New York City. Conversely, 2,000 agents are in charge of getting rid of 18 million illegal aliens. Is there something wrong with that figure? Yes, there sure is. Congress authorized 2,000 new border patrol agents per year for the next five years. El Presidente Bush said no matter what Congress says, he will not hire them. Why?

I was impressed with the professional, experienced facts Mike provided us. In his opinion, we don't so much need more security on the border but more jail space for the illegals we catch before we deport them. He also closed with this..... Imagine you came home from Las Vegas to find a crook in your home, lying on your couch, watching your television. You call the police to come pick him up but they tell you, "No, we will not pick him up. And furthermore, you WILL give him food, water, medical care, pay for school for his kids, and find him a job." Anyone, American or not, would say that is absurd! Well, friends, that is what illegal immigration is.

One of my favorite people I met this past weekend was a man by the name of Luca Zana. I can't express how much pride I felt for this brand new American citizen. Luca just became a citizen last month and he scored 100% on his American history test - a test in which most homegrown Americans would score 40% or below. Luca spoke from the heart as he told us about growing up in Italy and being taught how American soldiers, men who had never met his family, died for their freedom. He said he knew he wanted to be an American from the time he was a child.

Luca talked about his long journey from an Italian business owner, to a street bum who took pictures of tourists in front of the Coliseum for a living, to a proud, American who owns a growing business in the United States. His story was incredibly inspiring. He spoke of communism as the true evil of the world and how paying 75% of his income in taxes to the Italian government made him sick! In addition, he stressed his very strong support for the Second Amendment.

The way Luca Zanna closed his talk brought tears to my eyes. He told us about a poem he wrote to the President called, "Thank You America." He spoke of how his new family were the American citizens was now one of. He was proud, thankful for the opportunities provided to him, and pissed off that the illegal aliens were destroying everything that took him 7 years to accomplish. This man is the model of what an immigrant to America should be. He loves his new country with all his heart. He has embraced his opportunities and become a successful business owner. Most importantly, Luca Zanna is a good person. He is the kind of man, after just knowing him for no more than ten minutes, I knew I would happily open my home to as a friend.

If you have a chance, I encourage you to visit his website - He wrote an awesome song about the Minutemen. You can download it from his site - "web Radio for those who love America"

Just before our keynote speaking arrived, a man I met for the fist time took the stage. Terry Anderson is the most energetic talk radio man I have ever met in my life. He spoke the facts - whether you like them or not! His combination of humor mixed with the hard truth had the crowd rolling and on their feet through most of his speech. Everything he said was right on the money. While talking about a mutual interview he shared with a pro-illegal immigration representative, he told us how he offered this man a handshake before he left. The man wouldn't respond in kind. Terry told him, "You know, even though I disagree with everything you just said, if someone came up here and tried to take away your right to do it, I'd stand with you on your side. You, on the other hand would kill me to silence me. That's the difference between us." What an awesome expression of the true belief in liberty of this man!

A couple of his other great lines of the night were:

"If you're at the stadium and two teams are playing, if you're not going to root for the home team, get the hell out of the stadium!" Friends, America is the stadium. We need to start rooting for the home team!

Terry repeated the quote, "This is our country. There is no 'practice' America. Once we screw this one up it's over. There is no place else to try again!" It is so sad that so many people treat our republic as a 'practice' America but Terry is so right. We need to get in the game and go on the offensive now!

Finally, our keynote speaker took the stage. Congressman Tom Tancredo was greeted with a standing ovation. He talked for over an hour and was a man every one of us looked to as a hero in the movement of which we are all so passionate. He told us of the many years he would be the only congressman talking about the issue. He said the only thing worse than knowing there was such a grave problem and not being able to do anything about it was being in Congress (a position of some 'power') and STILL not being able to do anything about it. Tom told things are changing. He reminded us about the power of a group of people standing up for the right reason have over the government. Congressman Tancredo gave us a couple reason things are changing. First, the 'popular media' is not so popular anymore. As he reminded us, the liberal media did all they could to paint the Minutemen as vigilante racists out to chase down Mexicans because of pure hatred. Second, many of his colleagues in Congress are now trying to grab the baton and run at the front of the pack on this issue. They told him their voice mail, email, and snail mailboxes are overloaded with people demanding something be done about illegal aliens! As the stand up guy Tom is, he said he doesn't care who gets the credit for making these essential changes, just as long as they happen! As he said, "You can accomplish great things if you don't care who gets the credit!"

Everyone in the crowd knew where the Congressman stood on illegal immigration but he closed with a much more disturbing thought. He recently visited a school in his district. One student's question was about the biggest issue facing America. Congressman Tancredo, in return, asked the students by a show of hands to say they thought America was the greatest country in the world. About two dozen of 250 students raised their hand! That, without a doubt is much more dangerous to our country than any illegal alien. The kids of America do not love America anymore and that just isn't natural. SOMEONE is telling the kids of our country that we are not good!

Congressman Tom Tancredo concluded to a standing ovation and held hands with all the speakers as we sang God Bless America to conclude the conference. What really stands out to me is Tom Tancredo had pretty much nothing to gain by visiting us. I don't think anyone in the room was from Colorado so he wasn't wooing votes. He was 'just a guy' who was leading the cause of a group of like minded men and women who just want a better America for their children. I respect him and all the people working so hard on this issue with all my soul. I pray God will continue to bless all of us in our cause to restore our once great American republic!
I went straight from Las Vegas to work so I can't post pictures right now but I'll post a bunch of them tomorrow. Thanks again for all your support.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Las Vegas Conference Day 1

I arrived in Las Vegas at 8:00 AM and went directly to my hotel and headed to the "Fight Against Illegal Immigration" Summit. To begin, I must say, the whole atmosphere of the conference felt as if everyone in attendance was there as part of a revolution - it was a serene feeling of a fight for freedom somewhat close to what the Founding Fathers of America must have felt. I realize many will dismiss that claim but after hearing the speakers this morning, there is no doubt in my mind. Illegal immigration is the ONLY issue that matters in America right now. Until this problem is solved, only then can we begin to crack down on the rest of our problems.

As most of the readers of my blog are from ALI PAC, I want to comment on William Gheen's speech. Simply put, he was amazing. He was a great speaker, funny, and had a "matter of fact" way about everything he said. Someone like William should be the leader of our cause. He puts everything in a way most people can understand it - whether they are for or against the issue at hand.

William began by asking us to put up our hand if we knew 77 hospitals along the border were closed due to bankruptcy because of illegal immigration. Most people put up their hands. Then he asked us to keep our hands up if we knew because of the mainstream press - every hand went down. His point was clear. If everyone knew about the horrible effects of illegal immigration (through the press, etc..) we wouldn't need a conference like this.

He had four main points which are near and dear to the hearts of all attendees:

1. Secure the border (obviously)
2. Take away all incentive to come here (welfare, health care, food stamps, etc..)
3. Crack down on employers who hire illegals
4. Deport the illegals serving sentences in our prisons after their time is done (that is the LEAST we can do, right?)

By taking away all benefit of being in our country illegally, there would obviously be no reason to come here. Of course, we all realize this, but this conference is about talking about ways to actually do it.

William summed it up with this. We have two things going for us.

1. 80% - 90% of Americans want to secure the border and deal with this issue
2. We have TRUTH on our side.

We will win. Change is happening and the election of 2006 will be the campaign of illegal immigration. I'll write more tomorrow with more from the conference. Here are a couple pictures from today.

Image Hosted by

William Gheen of ALI PAC talking at the conference

Image Hosted by

Family members of 911 victims spoke at the conference. This mother told the story of her fire fighter son as everyone in attendance, myself included, broke into tears.

Andy Ramirez was one of my favorite speakers of the day because of his passion and borderline anger at how our government has left us totally unprotected. Andy started Friends of the Border Patrol program in San Diego. A third generation Mexican-American, he gave a passionate speech about border control and how to solve the problem. Simply put, we must kick the Congressmen out of office who refuse to deal with the problem. In addition, we must withhold any and all donations to any candidate or party who will not secure the border!

Friday, May 27, 2005

U.S. banks knowingly fund mortgages to illegals

By Devvy Kidd
© 2005

"The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is encouraging banks to sign up illegal aliens in the banking system, calling the growth of the market 'a compelling incentive' for U.S. banks to enter this largely untapped market ...

"But there are clear laws on the books for the integrity of the immigration system. Under the U.S. Criminal Code, it is a crime punishable by 10 years in jail for aiding and abetting someone in this country illegally for commercial gain. And the Bank Secrecy Act of 1972 makes it clear banks must know their customer, and any illegal activity must be reported to the government."
– Lou Dobbs Show, March 21, 2005

The FDIC, another so-called "independent" government operation like the privately owned Federal Reserve, is knowingly and vigorously encouraging their organization and its employees to violate several federal laws. For the FDIC to encourage lawlessness because of what they call "the growth of the market" being a compelling incentive for "U.S. banks to enter this largely untapped market," has got to be the most insane psychobabble I have ever heard in my life. These criminals (illegal aliens) who break the law to enter this country have no rights and are subject to immediate deportation, not bank loans.

In a Sept. 20, 2004, column by Keith Benman in the NW Indiana Times, Benman wrote:

TCF Bank is the first bank to open the door to home loans for undocumented immigrants in Northwest Indiana; Fifth Third Bank plans to follow suit this month. TCF and Fifth Third will be among the largest banks in the United States to offer the new loans. They join about 15 other banks in the Midwest to do so.

"A year ago, this opportunity just didn't exist. Fifth Third already has a waiting list for the loans," according to Craig Pratt, a Fifth Third senior vice president based in Merrillville. TCF, which markets them under the name "My American Home," has closed on more than 10 since starting to offer them in late July, according to TCF's Creel. "We know the potential of the market could be one-half million individuals in Illinois and Northwest Indiana," Fifth Third's Boscan said. "We estimate this is a segment of the market that will provide the kind of growth we are looking for in our consumer-lending division."

The final kicker in Benman's piece: "In the past, banks and mortgage lenders have required loan applicants to provide Social Security numbers when applying for mortgages ... TCF Bank does not require Social Security numbers for its 'My American Home' loans, and Fifth Third will not require them for its new product."

Illegal aliens are criminals, not "undocumented workers." Yet, these criminals can obtain bank accounts and home loans without a Social Security number.Just try to do that as an American citizen at your bank and you'll be shown the door.

Does anyone wonder why this invasion has succeeded so well? You've got a president who condones illegals smuggling themselves into our country and wants to give them a free pass. Instead of taking a hard line against this invasion decades ago, Congress continues to waste their time on more unconstitutional legislation, e.g., steroid use by professional ball players and the gang problem within the sovereign states of the union. If either of these issues become federal law, they will not withstand a constitutional challenge (see Lopez v. U.S. and Marbury v. Madison). Once again, Congress is clearly overstepping their legislative authority.

Where is the Department of Justice while these banks are knowingly soliciting and doing business with illegals in violation of federal law? Think Attorney General Gonzales will do anything? Forget it. Gonzales and Bush go back a long way. While chief counsel to the Texas governor, Gonzales pulled a behind-the-scenes, good-old-boys deal that resulted in getting Bush excused from jury duty in 1996. This kept Bush from having to disclose he had been arrested and convicted for drunk driving in Maine back in 1976.

Alberto Gonzales served on the board of directors of one of La Raza's affiliates, the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans in Houston. LaRaza is a militant organization that openly advocates overthrowing our government and "reclaiming" the four border states for Mexico. They should have been indicted for sedition a decade ago, but the Department of Justice has continued to turn a blind eye.

No one is above the law. Congress should immediately demand the Department of Justice uphold the law and begin prosecuting all management level individuals in the FDIC, bank CEOs, vice presidents and managers for violation of federal immigration law and the Bank Secrecy Act of 1972. And, no fines. Banks have lots of money. It's time these people who knowingly break federal laws jail time just like anyone else. Congress should also move immediately to get the lists of all illegals who have opened bank accounts or loans with these banks, turn them over to the government and begin deporting these criminals.

Will that happen? No. In case Americans haven't noticed, the federal government and many of its agencies, including Congress, have become nothing more than lawbreakers, fosttering lawlessness throughout this land. Where is your outrage America?

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hispanic group suggests food workers might taint food at Vegas summit

A radical anti-American group working for the establishment of a separate Hispanic nation in the southwest U.S. has threatened attendees of an anti-illegal immigration conference in Las Vegas planned for this weekend, saying Mexican food workers might cause "Montezuma's Revenge" among those they serve.

A news release from La Voz de Aztlan – which sees its struggle for a separate state with Los Angeles as its capital as similar to that of the Palestinians in the Middle East – announces that leaders of the "USA Anti-Mexican Movement" – Aztlan's own term – will be meeting this weekend in Las Vegas.

States the group: "The 'Who's Who List of Xenophobes' will be at the Plaza Hotel on Friday May 27, Saturday May 28 and Sunday May 29 to coordinate the vigilante operations they plan to undertake along the California/Mexico border on June through August."
The mention of "vigilante operations" is a reference to the activities of the Minuteman Project, a successful citizen border patrol effort that effectively shut down the flow of illegal aliens from Mexico this spring over a 23-mile stretch in Arizona.

"Among the racists who will be attending is head bigot Tom Tancredo," says La Voz de Aztlan. "Tancredo is a congressman from Colorado who has aspirations to become USA president by utilizing Mexican immigrants as 'scapegoats' for the nation's economic and social problems. Among other bigots attending are felon Chris Simcox of the Minutemen vigilantes and his lackey Jim Gilchrist. The list of anti-Mexican xenophobes also includes Glenn Spencer [American Border Patrol], Barbara Coe [California Coalition for Immigration Reform], and the 'coconut' Andy Ramirez [Friends of the Border Patrol]. 'Vendido' Andy Ramirez is being utilized by the bigots as a 'Taco Tio.'"

The event is being sponsored by the Wake Up American Foundation. The true name of the conference, according to the event website, is "United to Fight Against Illegal Immigration Summit."

Though the Plaza Hotel will house some of the attendees, sessions will be held at the Cashman Center in Las Vegas.

The release from La Voz de Aztlan ends with the threat:
"What the bigots who will be meeting at the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas don't know may not harm them, but the fact is that most of the personnel who work in the hotel's kitchens are Mexican. We pray that they don't fall victims of 'Montezuma's Revenge' from eating the food."
Patricia Saye is co-founder of Wake Up America.
"What's so funny about this is the event is not being held at the Plaza Hotel," she told WND. "It's being held at the Cashman Theatre."

Saye said her group is not concerned about the threats.
"If we were to let these people frighten us, we wouldn't be very good Americans, would we?" Saye asked. "We've all been fighters throughout the generations, for our freedoms and our liberties, so we're going to stand our ground."
Saye said it's hard to estimate how many people will attend the event, but she figured the number would be between 500 and 1,000.

"A lot of people buy their tickets at the last minute," she said.
Saye explained the many groups involved in the summit hope to form a coalition that will then put pressure on "city, county, state and federal elected officials to apply the laws [regarding immigration]. We have laws on the books already, but they're being ignored. …
"With numbers, we can have power to get our elected officials to do something."
Hispanic activists for years have sought a separate state from the area they believe was unjustly taken by the U.S.

"If in 50 years most of our people are subordinated, powerless, exploited and impoverished, then I will say to you that there are all kinds of possibilities for movements to develop like the ones that we've witnessed in the last few years all over the world, from Yugoslavia to Chechnya," University of California at Riverside professor Armando Navarro told WND in 2002.
"A secessionist movement is not something that you can put away and say it is never going to happen in the United States," he continued. "Time and history change."
Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs, is regarded in Chicano folklore as an area that includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas. It is this area – lost when Mexico signed the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo at the end of the Mexican-American War – that activists want to make into a sovereign Hispanic state that could eventually merge with Mexico.

On its website, La Voz de Aztlan, which means the Voice of Aztlan, identifies Mexicans in the U.S. as "America's Palestinians." Many Mexicans see themselves as part of a transnational ethnic group known as "La Raza," the race. La Voz de Aztlan declares on its site that "both La Raza and the Palestinians have been displaced by invaders that have utilized military means to conquer and occupy our territories."
Related special offer:

The stunning documentary video "Conquest of Aztlan," which unveils the aims and methods of a radical movement intent on taking over the American southwest, is available from WND's online store.

Related stories:
Is Mexico reconquering U.S. southwest?
Latino group threatening U.S.?
Arabs still enter U.S. illegally from Mexico
Aztlan backers see Hussein capture hoax
WND, Time blamed for 'hate crimes'

Sunday, May 22, 2005

In-Depth Look at Illegal Immigration

A great American named Paul Esthay (aka ConservativeHero on the Internet) is a staunch opponent to the illegal invasion of our country. He has been doing his part to bring this issue to light for several years. About a year ago Paul wrote an in-depth analysis of the consequences of illegal immigration. His research was wide and thorough. All sources are listed at the end of the report. As one might expect, the outlook is not very positive. The good news is there might still be time to head off the impending destruction of our country if we get to work now. The report is very detailed and 20 pages long. Once you start reading you probably will not be able to put it down. I'd like to thank Paul for sharing his work with us and if you are moved by what you read, please do what you can to take action right way. If you don't know what to do or who to contact, email me at the link on this blog and I will put you in touch with someone in your local area.

You may download Paul's report in Microsoft Word format HERE

Friday, May 20, 2005

To All Immigrants:

I usually do not copy posts from other places but I thought this article truly sums up how most legal United States citizens feel about immigrants - legal or illegal. If you are a proud American who immigrated here legally then this doesn't apply to you. If you came here looking for something for nothing and expecting us to accommodate you, then this most certainly does apply to you!

Diversify This!
by H. Millard © 2000

So you came to this country, this America, from some other country. You say that you came because you were fleeing repression or that you wanted a better life for your family in these United States, or maybe that you wanted to make more money here than you could ever make in your former country. Okay. That sounds reasonable.

So why in the hell are you demanding that we show sensitivity toward your former country's culture and language? If you want to honor those things, then go back there. Don't come here and try to make here the same as the place you left or you'll find that the problems you fled there are being made anew here.

Don't be fooled by some neurotic idiots who treat you like stray cats to be mothered and nurtured and cooed over, and who will tell you how much they love your culture. These cat ladies, sans cats, exist in every country, and their phony neurosis based do-goodism is only going to hurt you, because they don't treat you as fully formed adults but as helpless little children no matter what age you are. The price of their fawning is that you have to try to be small and look up at them with big helpless doe eyes and in effect worship them as your great saviors. It is eternal childhood and helplessness that is demanded of you. Don't fall for it.

To hell with your old country. You left there for a hoped for better here. If you want to take advantage of whatever it is you believe is available to you in these United States that is better than where you came from, then YOU better show sensitivity toward our culture and you'd better damn well try to understand and conform to our ways.

Don't come here and tell us that we should teach you in OUR schools in your old language. If you want that, go back where you came from and don't let the friggin' door hit you on the way out. Beat it. Amscray. Head out. Who the hell needs you? We didn't ask you to come here.

Don't come here and call us names because you feel we're not being sensitive to your diversity. Screw your diversity. Either come here to be like us---because, remember, you came here to our country, we didn't go to your screwed up former country--and it is not us who should change to make you feel comfortable. You are the one who must change and be sensitive to us.

You're the guest. Not us. Live by our rules and our lights or beat it. And if you snuck into this country illegally, then you'd better get your ass back out of here and apply through legal means. And, if you can't get in through legal means, then that's just the way it'll have to be. You don't have a right to be in this country unless WE say you can be here. Period.

You say that we're being so insensitive. Tough nookies. You'd better change to get in step with us, or you ought to head for the exit.

This is OUR country. We may not be the first people who came here, but those we've replaced weren't the first either. Being first doesn't matter. What does matter is that we found a mostly empty country and we built it in our image. We will decide how it's run.

We'll decide who can join us as citizens. We speak English here. We do things in certain ways here. That's our choice and it's not your right to come here to tell us that we have to be more like you. We don't want to be like you and we don't want our country to be like your old country. If we did, we would have gone to your old country to live as you've come here. We didn't do that.

Get yourself Americanized as quickly as possible or get yourself gone. We don't owe you a damn thing. You owe us.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Racism or American Pride?

Most people are too scared to even begin a discussion about the dreaded R word – racism. Liberals love to remind all of us that we are a nation of racists. We did engage in a horrible slave trade for many years. I think most Americans would tell you they very much regret that terrible part of American history. And I’d also venture to guess they would do anything they could to erase those wrongs if they could. But I think we are getting to the point of ending the discussion right there. Good, kind, God fearing Americans are getting sick and tired of being called racists. The truth is there are still some people who simply hate other people because of the color of their skin. With that said, the vast majority of Americans could care less what color you are. Most good men I know will treat you according to your actions. In my opinion, that is what “fair” is all about. Getting treated special because you are a (fill in the blank here) American is the opposite of fair.

So my question is this. Am I a racist because I do not want illegal aliens of any country living within the borders of our country? Am I a racist because I am against and believe affirmative action is racist itself? Am I a racist because I love my Judeo Christian heritage and believe resorting back to that way of life is the only way to save our great country? No, I am simply a proud American who desires, more than anything, to go back to the America of calling a spade a spade and dealing with problems in a face to face manner. I desire to go back to an America of treating a man according to his words and actions. Is that too much to ask?

We need to get over ourselves. Nobody in this world are as wonderful as they would have you believe. The ACLU doesn’t care about the blacks, Muslims, illegals, etc.. in America. They care about lining their pockets from the lawsuits they bring on behalf of those people! The liberals don’t care about them either. They care about “pretending” to care so they can get their votes. America needs to wake up and go back to the days of dealing with things in a common sense way. If a man or woman does something good or bad they should be praised or punished based on their actions – not their race, gender, or religious affiliation. America used to be the land of people who were full of common sense. Now we’re a land of sheeple walking on egg shells.

It’s time to wake up and start acting like men - American men!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Colorado Governor Welcomes Illegals

Colorado loves their immigrants, and they prefer them to be illegal! If you read the comments by governor Bill Owens, there is no way to deny it. The Colorado Department of Education has posted a 56-page, Spanish-language Survival Guide For Recent Arrivals to Colorado (since removed thanks to bloggers putting the word out).

Read the personal welcome of governor Owens:

"As governor of Colorado, I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to our great state, which appreciates recent arrivals and your contribution to our economy and culture. I also want to recommend this Guide to you, so that it will help you to adapt successfully to Colorado, whose institutions and agencies exist to help its people and families."

The guide continues....

"Private organizations such as clinics (medical) or schools by policy do not ask about the immigration status of persons who attend. They do not report them to immigration authorities either."

"Some public (i.e. tax payer funded) institutions have the obligation to report illegal aliens to the ICE... the Social Security office is obligated to report people who do have the right to work [legally] in the US. The Department of Human and Social Services (DHSS) must report persons only when they have committed a crime such as domestic violence or child abuse." [p. 12]

"You have the right to remain silent when you are arrested by the police or an immigration agent. Your answers can be used against you during a criminal, civil, or immigration trial". [p.12]

"The job of the police is not to report you to Immigration. Always carry the name and phone number of an attorney who will take your calls. If you do not have [immigration] papers, you also have the right to remain silent or call a lawyer." [p. 13]

"The Mexican Consulate will help you protect your rights as a citizen." [Of Mexico, of course!]. [p. 14]

"Many businesses employ illegal aliens without papers, or without verifying that papers are legitimate since they do not have the responsibility to investigate the legal status of employees or contractors, or to report them to the ICE. All workers, regardless of their legal status, have the same rights—the right to work—regardless of your nationality or legal status, includes..." [p. 15]

"If you need help to assert your rights, you can obtain the help of an attorney or an organization. Some lawyers help illegal aliens for a very low price." [p. 15]

"If you have a low income and various people depend upon you, you may apply for a refund, called Credit Income Tax at the end of the year. If you do not have a Social Security number, you can get a Tax Identification Number from the IRS." [p. 17]

"Some banks let you open a bank account using the Matricula Consular... examples...are: Wells Fargo, Vectra, First Bank, Bank of Colorado." [p. 18]

"There are various ways to send money to Mexico: electronic transfers, money orders, check or automatic deposit. There are various companies that transfer money electronically, such as Western Union.” [p. 20. Included in the guide was a "sample budget" for Jose and Ana Maria which shows $200 per month allocated to "family in Mexico." )

"There are some clinics who serve people without insurance and without enough money to pay. It is important to bear in mind that you can apply for Medicaid or Child Health Plan Plus for your children if they were born here or are residents even if you are not a permanent resident." [p. 22-23]

"Regardless of your economic or immigration status, you have the right to receive medical attention if you go to the ER." [p. 23]

"You can receive medical services at the community clinic closest to you. Doctors do not deport." [p. 22]

"The Mexican Consulate has a lot of information about resources, jobs and the laws." [p. 35]

"Here, they feed [your children in school]...If your child’s school does not have a program for students who are learning English, the district must provide transit services to a school that does. The fact that your children do not speak English should not be a reason for them to stay behind in their abilities or knowledge. Ask that your children be evaluated in Spanish..." pp 38-40

And in large type backed by bright green, the Enterese assures illegals that:

"Regardless of your immigration status, it is possible to go to the university. There are scholarships for Hispanics, legal or illegal aliens. The financial aid offices for colleges and universities can help students find the best options to pay, as well as to find and apply for these scholarships." [p. 41]

Still think we don't have a problem? Do you really think your elected officials are looking out for your best interests? THINK AGAIN! This Peter Pan philosophy of steal from the legals and give to the illegals is leading us down a modern day trail of tears.

Where is the outrage? When will you have had enough? How much will it take before you personally do something?

Tell Governor Owens you've had enough!


Bill Owens, Governor
136 State Capitol
Denver, CO 80203-1792

(303) 866-2471

(303) 866-2003

Another Illegal Alien Gets Away With Murder

Raul Garcia-Gomez, an illegal alien living in the "sanctuary city" of Denver, Colorado, killed a police officer and fled the state. Assassinated police officer, Donald Young leaves behind a young widow and daughter. His killer has since fled to Mexico from where he will never be extradited to face charges for his crimes. Mexico has a stated policy of not allowing extradition of criminals who might face the death penalty or life in prison.

As sad as this story is for the family of officer Young, it gets even worse. Garcia-Gomez was employed as a dishwasher by Denver mayor John Hickenlooper. Recent investigations have found Hickenlooper has over 100 illegal immigrants working at various locations within his chain of restraints. The blood of Donald Young is on the hands of Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. He should be immediately arrested for employing illegal aliens. The fact that he embrace Donald Young's widow at his funeral was disgraceful - he had personally aided and funded the killer of her husband.

Mayor Hickenlooper's office number is (720) 865-9000, you can email him at

To add insult to murder, this vile killer had been stopped by the Denver police three times before he murdered Donald Young. Since Denver is a "sanctuary city" - which means their officers are not allowed to turn over an illegal immigrant for deportation - Garcia-Gomez was never detained. Just to clarify, if a legal United States citizen is stopped and caught driving without a license, he is arrested. Denver police are specifically instructed to not arrest illegals.

This was a big story on all the national cable news networks for about three days. Now that Garcia-Gomez is long gone, Donald Young is in his grave, and Hickenlooper anxiously looks forward to brushing this incident aside, the story is gone. The illegal immigrant killer will never be captured. Officer Young's family has lost a father and husband. The Denver community has lost a hero.

Where is the outrage? How much will it take? When will you personally be moved to take action against illegal aliens invading our country and killing our friends and family? Will you be apathetic until they kill your mother, father, husband, wife, son, or daughter? Or will you take a stand and do something now?

I urge you to continuously call mayor Hickenlooper. Bombard his office with demands for answers! Demand Denver give up their "sanctuary city" policy! Demand they stop giving aid and shelter to illegal aliens. If you do not stand up for the people of Denver who is going to stand up for you when the illegals come and kill your family?

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Favorite Illegal Immigration Links

These are some of my favorite illegal immigration links. Below the links, I have listed some reasons why I like them. I hope you will find them informative and enjoy them as well.

I just recently found this site. Named for the first English child born in the new world in 1587, Virginia Dare, this site has some of the best articles I have read. Not only are they very factual and thought provoking, but they are entertaining and provide many links to all kinds of off-topic issues.

Americans for Legal Immigration

This is the website of the ALI political action committee - ore ALI-PAC for short. From their home page, "Americans for Legal Immigration (ALI-PAC) has formed to address the disparity between the public desire for more control of illegal immigration and the actions of lawmakers." They have a message board with many knowledgeable and active posters.

The American Resistance

THE AMERICAN RESISTANCE FOUNDATION was founded to confront the powers that would destroy our Republic and our way of life. They provide some great articles and have provide heaps of statistical data on illegal immigration. They also have a very cool illegal immigration counter that shows current total and total this year.


This is a very simple blog site that provides links to hundreds of articles about illegal immigration.

Wake Up America Foundation

The site is fairly new without much content but they are sponsoring the upcoming United to Fight Against Illegal Immigration Summit in Las Vegas. I have personally talked with the founder of this organization and they are very dedicated to the cause of stopping illegal immigration. They plan to improve and update the site in the near future.

Consequences of Illegal Immigration

California used to be a great place to live, work, and play. Tourists from around the world used to visit the once great "Golden State." Due to the influence of rabid socialist liberals and nonstop illegal Mexican immigration, California no longer exists. It is now Mexifornia.

Governor Davis was recalled from office for destruction of the state's economy (among other things). How did the economy of California get so bad? Let's explore... Illegal Mexicans cross the border, pay no taxes, yet are still provided with "free" health care, public education and welfare. Most do not insure their vehicles and our prisons are filled with them. To put it short and sweet, illegal immigration bankrupted California.

Not only do the illegal Mexicans believe they have a "right" to these services paid for by the tax payers of California, but they also believe they have a right to annex most of the state (along with others) and give them back to Mexico. The call themselves "La Razza" which means "the race" - as if their race is something special.

Illegal Mexicans have invaded and overthrown Los Angeles. They have destroyed the public education system and bankrupted many hospitals. California must put a stop to this once and for all. Americans are kind and tolerant of all cultures by nature of our beginnings - as people who legally immigrated here from all over the world. At some point we must stop with the tender loving care of law-breaking illegals and kick them out of our country - by force if necessary. The stakes are high. The time is now.

Monument paid for by the United States citizen tax payers of Los Angeles

Has the invasion of California really gone so far that the people have no idea whether they live in Los Angeles or Mexico?

At least one legal United States citizen is not confused!

Visit for more information about the illegal Mexican invasion of California.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Fox: Illegals do jobs "even blacks don't want"

The dictator of Mexico is at it again. Yesterday, via a speech on local radio and broadcast in newspapers and the Internet, Vincente Fox said:

"There is no doubt that Mexicans, filled with dignity, willingness and ability to work are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States."

One must wonder why Fox seems intent on not only encouraging his people to break United States federal immigration laws but also feels a need to make comments that insinuate the black population of America is somehow below the rest of their fellow citizens - and even Mexicans!

Vincente Fox and the government of Mexico publicly pretend to be friends of the United States. President Bush has met with this dictator and even disparaged his own patriotic Americans (calling the Minute Men vigilantes) for the sake of scoring points with his Mexican friends. One must wonder why the president continues to pander to a third world country who does not respect our laws. This charade must stop and it must happen immediately! Mexico is no friend of the United States. Their people chant "Osama, Osama" during soccer matches between our countries. The illegal immigrant population of Southwest America is flooded with Mexican illegals who claim to want to take back all the land "stolen" from Mexico after the Mexican War. Granted, there are many well-intentioned Mexicans just trying to provide for their family but we as patriotic, liberty loving Americans must stop pretending Mexico is our friend and start being honest with ourselves.

Read the entire article regarding the racist comments by Vincente Fox HERE

Friday, May 13, 2005

Judicial Immigration Legislation

The next big problem we will be sure to see in the movement for illegal immigrant amnesty will be judicial legislation on the issue. Why would the judicial branch (particularly the Supreme Court) get involved in this issue when the Constitution of the United States grants them no permission to do so?

Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution states:

"Congress shall have the power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..."

The activist judges of our country like to refer us to the 14th Amendment when they usurp this power for themselves. The 14th Amendment states:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without the due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws.

Knowing most people who read this realize this obvious fact, please do not feel insulted as I point out the Constitution of the United States ONLY applies to United States citizens - NOT legal or illegal residents. The activist judges of America seem to not understand this although they they used to.

In the 1915 case of Heim vs. McCall, the Supreme Court upheld New York's authority to show preference in hiring New York citizens for transit authority projects. Justice Joseph McKenna wrote:

"The basic principle of the decision of the Court of Appeals was that the State is a recognized unit and those who are not citizens of it are not members of it. Thus recognized it is a body corporate and, like any other body corporate, it may enter into contract and hold and dispose of property. In doing this, it acts through agencies of government. These agencies, when contracting for the State, or expanding the State's moneys, are trustees for the people of the State....And it has hence decided that in the control of such agencies and the expenditure of such moneys it could prefer its own citizens to aliens without incurring the condemnation of the National or the state constitution."

The Court specifically rejected the argument that the 14th Amendment precluded states from discriminating against non-citizens in the distribution of public benefits. In other words, the Court ruled exactly as the Founding Fathers intended.

The 1927 case of Ohio ex rel. v. Clarke Deckebach Auditor, the Court reinforced the Heim decision. A merchant in Cincinnati, who was a resident alien and a subject of the British Empire, was denied a license to operate a pool hall because city ordinances required that such licenses be issued only to U.S. citizens. Once again, violation of the 14th Amendment was cited. In a unanimous decision, Justice Harlan Stone wrote:

"Some latitude must be allowed for the legislative appraisment of local conditions...and for th legislative choice of methods for controlling an apprehended evil. It was competent of the city to make such a choice, not shown to be irrational, by excluding from the conduct of business an entire class rather than its objectionable members selected by more empirical methods."

That was the last time the Supreme Court would restrain themselves from usurping judicial rule over immigration and naturalization. Over the last four decades they have determined not only that aliens - even illegal aliens -are "persons" as defined in the 5th and 14th Amendments, but also that their status is increasingly indistinguishable from that of U.S. Citizens.

In the 1969 case of Graham v. Richardson, the Supreme Court ruled aliens had the right to state welfare programs.

In the 1973 case of Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, the Supreme Court ruled that citizenship was an unconstitutional requisite to holding a government job.

In the 1973 case of Sugarman v. Dougall, struck down New York's law that all civil servants be U.S. Citizens. This ruling effectively ignored the precedent of the 1915 case of Heim vs. McCall. The only dissent in the ruling was the honorable William Rehnquist.

In the 1973 case of In Re Griffiths, the Supreme Court ruled that a state could not deny non-citizens the right to take the bar exam and become licensed, practicing attorneys - again, citing the "equal protection clause" of the 14th Amendment.

In the 1977 case of Nyquist v. Mauclet, the Court decided it was unconstitutional for New York to require resident aliens to at least apply for U.S. Citizenship before becoming eligible for financial aid for education.

In the 1982 case of Plyler v. Doe, struck down a Texas law that allowed local school districts deny enrollment to children of illegal immigrants. Justice William Brennan, writing for the 5-4 majority went so far as to extend the term "person" in the 14th Amendment to include illegal aliens, by virtue of their physical presence in the United States. Maybe you should read that again.

As you can plainly see, the Supreme Court of the United States not only usurped the power to pass legislation relating to immigration and naturalization but they gave illegal immigrants near-equal status as U.S. citizens. This horrendous precedent should not go unnoticed because, as the debate over illegal immigration heats up, we are bound to hear of "Supreme Court Precedent" over and over again. Unfortunately, we will not be hearing about the 1915 and 1927 rulings that upheld American sovereignty!

Please Note: All information presented in the above paragraphs was derived from Chapter seven of Mark Levin's book, "Men in Black." This book, which describes how the Supreme Court is effectively destroying America, is a New York Times best seller and is the absolute best source for information about judicial tyranny in America.

You can purchase this book on HERE.

Men In Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America

I started thinking about setting up a blog a while ago to simply post my views about different issues I believe are very important. I never really had one specific issue that was my driving force - but I do now.

The illegal immigration problem in America is biggest danger facing our generation. Every day, tens of thousands of undocumented, illegal aliens cross our borders and begin a new life in America. I understand why most of them do it. Most have no future in Mexico (or wherever they come from) and just want a better life for their family. Basically, they are looking for the "American Dream" even though they are not Americans. On the other hand, there are others who do not have the same intentions. They are the drug runners, the pimps, the criminals, and most disturbingly, the terrorists. It is a documented fact terrorists have crossed our Southern border and entered our country illegally. At least two of the September 11 terrorists did so.

The border needs to be temporarily closed until our Congress can implement a comprehensive security and immigration program. This program must provide a way for the well-intentioned people of the world to visit America legally and include a map for legal immigration for those who want to become a part of our great nation. If the military needs to guard the border until a workable plan is in order then that is exactly where they should be. The United States military's primary function is to defend our home land. They should be patrolling the border day and night as long as the invasion of illegal aliens continues.

There are many issues that trouble our once-great country. Above all, the illegal immigration problem tops that list. Once we put a stop to the invasion, deport the offenders, and implement a new, workable policy, only then should we concentrate on the other great problems of America.

I will be attending the Wake Up America conference: Unite to Fight Against Illegal Immigration conference May 27 - 29 in Las Vegas. This conference includes a list of speakers who would probably be considered the "who's who" of the anti illegal immigration movement. Click the above link to see a list of speakers and other information about the conference. I strongly encourage everyone who supports the cause of liberty to attend this conference. For those who cannot attend I will be posting daily updates to this blog including my daily notes from the conference. I will include a picture gallery as well. This conference has the potential to light a fire in the movement against illegal immigration. I hope you will check back often and post your ideas, opinions, and solutions. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.